Tag Archives: Doodle art

My Idea of a Walkabout

Lemon BalmA walkabout can be anything you want it to be. You can start small and expand. Start in your own backyard. Take time to really look at the beauty that is right before your eyes. In the spring look for plants poking their first growth through the soil. Listen to the birds and watch to see if they are building a hidden nest. If you have a lilac bush, oh I hope that you do, smell the blossoms every day. This treasure comes and goes so swiftly – truly take time to stop and smell the flowers. Watch for signs that usher in each season and celebrate the small wonders.

Mary Ann's 1st ZentangleA walkabout can also be in your imagination. Find a vehicle that takes you to that place where you leave all the cares of the world behind. That could be reading a book you can’t put down or taking a long nap, dreaming of far off lands. You could pick up a Zentangle book and start creating doodle art. Carry a small drawing pad and when you find yourself needing a creative outlet, start doodling. Whatever tickles your fancy, pursue that pleasure and find your own path.